7 signs you are on the path to real success in life, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now

You know that feeling when life seems like a never-ending uphill battle? Where every step forward feels like you’re sinking deeper into the mud?

Yeah, we’ve all been there.

Success doesn’t always look or feel the way we imagined it would. We tend to associate it with grand achievements, recognition, or that elusive “big break.”

But the truth is, real success often lurks in the shadows of the grind, hiding in plain sight while you’re too busy questioning yourself.

The reality is, you might be on the path to something extraordinary—even if it feels like you’re stuck in a rut. Sometimes, success is less about the milestones you hit and more about the quiet, often overlooked signs that you’re moving in the right direction.

So, before you write yourself off or get lost in the noise of what success “should” look like, let’s take a moment to explore some of these hidden indicators that you’re closer to real success than you think.

01 You’re prioritizing what truly matters

Have you started to notice that the things you once obsessed over don’t seem as important anymore?

Maybe you’ve begun to value your time more, choosing to spend it with loved ones, or focusing on activities that bring you genuine joy rather than just ticking off boxes on someone else’s checklist.

This shift in priorities is a strong sign that you’re aligning your life with what truly matters.

Success isn’t about how much you accumulate or how busy you can make yourself. It’s about living a life that is in harmony with your values and purpose. When you start letting go of superficial goals and instead direct your energy toward meaningful pursuits, you’re on a path that leads to a deeper, more authentic form of success.

02 You’re comfortable saying “No”

“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.”

― Greg Mckeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

So, let’s say someone asks you to take on another project, join another committee, or help out with something that doesn’t align with your goals. In the past, you might have felt compelled to say “yes” out of a sense of obligation, fear of missing out, or the desire to please others. But now, you find yourself more comfortable with the word “no,” not out of selfishness, but because you understand the value of your time and energy.

Sound familiar?

This ability to set boundaries is a critical sign of real success. It shows that you’re no longer driven by the need for external validation but are instead guided by your own priorities and well-being. You recognize that every “yes” to something unimportant is a “no” to something that truly matters.

By saying “no” when necessary, you’re reclaiming your power and focusing on what’s truly important to you. This is what success really looks like—living life on your own terms.

05 You’ve learned to let go of what you can’t control

A few years ago, I found myself stuck in traffic, fuming as I watched the minutes tick by, knowing I was going to be late for an important meeting. My frustration grew with every inch we crawled forward.

But then, something clicked.

I realized that no amount of anger or stress was going to clear the road or get me to my destination any faster. So, I took a deep breath, turned up the radio, and let it go.

That moment was a turning point for me. It wasn’t just about the traffic—it was about how I approached life’s uncontrollable situations. By letting go of what I couldn’t control, I freed up my energy to focus on what I could. This shift in mindset is a powerful indicator of success.

As Epictetus said, “Of all existing things, some are in our power and others are not in our power.”(The Discourses of Epictetus , 1916)

By learning to differentiate between the two, you save yourself from unnecessary stress and anxiety. You stop wasting time on things beyond your influence and instead, channel your efforts into what truly matters.

This ability to let go doesn’t mean you’re giving up—it means you’re wise enough to know where your energy is best spent. It’s a sign of maturity and self-awareness, both crucial elements of real success.

06 You’re comfortable with uncertainty

This is a big one. 

One of the most challenging aspects of life is dealing with uncertainty. Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal goals, the unknown can be a source of anxiety and stress.

However, if you’ve started to become more comfortable with uncertainty—if you can face the unknown without feeling paralyzed by fear—it’s a sign that you’re on the path to true success.

This comfort with uncertainty doesn’t mean you have all the answers; it means you’ve developed the resilience and adaptability to handle whatever comes your way. You’ve learned to trust yourself and your ability to navigate through life’s twists and turns, even when the path ahead isn’t clear.

As Epictetus reminds us, “Ask not that events should happen as you will, but let your will be that events should happen as they do and you shall have peace.” (The Discourses of Epictetus , 1916)

This mindset allows you to move forward with confidence, even in the face of ambiguity. By embracing the unknown, you’re not just surviving—you’re thriving in a world where change is the only constant. This adaptability is a key component of real success, showing that you’re equipped to handle life’s inevitable uncertainties with grace and composure.

07 You’re content with and focused on your own journey

“How great a rest from labour he gains who does not look to what his neighbour says or does or thinks but only what himeslf is doing” Marcus Aurelius (The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus, 1944)

Last but not least, in a world obsessed with comparison, finding contentment in your own journey is no small feat.

That is, if you’ve reached a point where you’re no longer swayed by what others are doing or achieving and instead focus on your own path, this is a powerful sign of real success.

The ability to resist the pull of envy and stay focused on your own progress reflects a deep understanding of what truly matters to you. It shows that you’ve defined success on your own terms, rather than adopting someone else’s version of it. You’ve realized that your journey is unique, and that comparing yourself to others only distracts you from the progress you’re making.

The bottom line

Success isn’t always about flashy achievements or overnight wins—it’s about the small, steady signs that show you’re growing, adapting, and moving forward, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Keep an eye out for these indicators, and you’ll realize you’re much closer to your goals than you think.

To stay inspired and keep your momentum going, sign up for our newsletter and get regular insights to help you navigate your journey to success!

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