If someone uses these 8 phrases, they probably lack empathy and understanding

As a relationship expert, I’ve spent years analyzing interactions and communication. Let me tell you, words are powerful indicators of what’s going on beneath the surface.

If you’re hearing these 8 phrases often, it’s a red flag that the person you’re dealing with might lack empathy and understanding. 

1) “You’re too sensitive”

In my years as a relationship expert, I’ve noticed one phrase that’s a definite red flag – “You’re too sensitive”.

Empathy is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. If someone consistently tells you that you’re overreacting or being too sensitive, it might suggest they lack this ability.

Now, it’s natural for people to have different emotional responses to situations. Where the problem arises is when someone dismisses your feelings as an overreaction.

Telling someone they’re ‘too sensitive’ is a way of invalidating their feelings and experiences. It’s a sign that the person doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to engage with your emotional state.

Next time someone uses this phrase, take a moment. Is it a one-off comment in a heated situation? Or is it a pattern that suggests a deeper lack of empathy and understanding?

Context is key. 

2) “I don’t see what the big deal is”

Another phrase that raises some eyebrows in my book – “I don’t see what the big deal is”.

This statement is often used to downplay someone else’s experience or feelings. It’s a clear-cut sign of a lack of empathy, as it shows an unwillingness to view the situation from another person’s perspective.

Remember, just because someone doesn’t ‘see’ the issue, doesn’t mean it’s not there. As the great Harper Lee wrote in her classic novel To Kill a Mockingbird, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Empathy is about understanding, not dismissing. If you hear this phrase often, it may be time to reassess your relationship with the person using it. It’s crucial to surround ourselves with people who not only understand our feelings but also respect them.

3) “Get over it”

One phrase that always gets me is – “Get over it”.

This statement lacks compassion and understanding. It makes light of someone’s feelings and tells them to simply move on, without acknowledging the pain or difficulty they might be experiencing.

When someone tells you to ‘get over it’, it can feel like they’re saying your feelings are not important. And that’s not the kind of communication that fosters healthy, supportive relationships.

4) “I’m sorry you feel that way”

Now here’s a phrase that might surprise you – “I’m sorry you feel that way”.

At first glance, it seems like an apology, right?

But if you delve a little deeper, it’s actually a clever way of dodging responsibility. It’s saying ‘I’m sorry’ without actually acknowledging any wrongdoing or attempting to understand why the other person is upset.

In a truly empathetic response, the focus should be on understanding and addressing the other person’s feelings, not just acknowledging them. A better response would be, “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Can we talk about it?”

Don’t get me wrong – apologies are important. But when “I’m sorry you feel that way” is used to deflect responsibility or minimize someone else’s feelings, it could be a sign of a lack of empathy and understanding. 

5) “It’s not my problem”

It’s true that we all have our own lives to manage, and we can’t take on everybody else’s issues. But when someone consistently responds to your concerns or struggles with “It’s not my problem”, it suggests a lack of empathy and understanding.

 Even if we can’t solve the issue, a listening ear or a comforting word can make all the difference.

Does someone consistently use this phrase in response to your concerns? Take it as a sign. It may indicate that they’re not willing or able to offer the emotional support you need. 

6) “You always…” or “You never…”

Here’s a raw truth – the phrases “You always…” or “You never…” are rarely used by people with a high level of empathy and understanding.

These absolute statements are not only unfair, but they also shut down communication. They can feel accusatory, leaving the other person with no room to explain or share their side of the story.

What’s more, these phrases often reflect a lack of understanding. They imply that the person is not taking the time to appreciate the complexity of your feelings or actions.

Honest communication is about sharing and understanding, not blaming and generalizing.

7) “That’s just how I am”

A phrase I’ve often heard in my line of work is – “That’s just how I am”.

This statement is often used as a defense mechanism, an excuse to avoid change or growth. It suggests a lack of understanding of others’ feelings and a refusal to acknowledge the impact of one’s actions on others.

8) “Why can’t you just be happy?”

Finally, one phrase that is brutally honest – “Why can’t you just be happy?”

This statement suggests a refusal to acknowledge or understand negative emotions. It implies that being anything but happy is a choice or even a flaw.

The truth is, we all have ups and downs. It’s part of being human. And it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Dismissing someone’s feelings and pressuring them to ‘just be happy’ shows a lack of empathy and understanding.

If you frequently hear this phrase, it might be a sign that the person you’re dealing with struggles to empathize with different emotional states. Remember, true empathy involves accepting all emotions, not just the positive ones.


In sum, the phrases people use can reveal a lot about their levels of empathy and understanding. It’s important to pay attention and trust your instincts.

If you’re hearing these phrases often, it may be a sign that you’re dealing with someone who struggles to empathize with others.

But remember, it’s not about judgment. It’s about understanding people better, and sometimes, it’s about making tough decisions to protect your emotional well-being.

Remember, we all deserve empathy, understanding, and love in our relationships. Don’t settle for anything less.

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